The Ultimate Guide for Solo Female Travelers

by Anita
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Are you a woman who loves to travel but is hesitant to go alone? Solo female travel is an exciting adventure where you  explore the world independently. It offers you freedom, self-discovery, and a unique cultural perspective. It’s a chance for you to step out of your comfort zone and grow personally. Whether you’re exploring cities or immersing yourself in nature, solo female travel creates unforgettable experiences for you. It allows you to connect with local communities and gain self-confidence. Solo female travel is about your reflection, empowerment, and appreciation of different cultures. Discover the joys of solo female travel and embark on an empowering journey of self-discovery just for you.

Is solo female travel right for you?

Deciding if solo female travel is right for you involves self-reflection and understanding your own personality traits. You don’t have to have all these to travel alone, but you have to be ready to be out of your comfort zone. A “fake it until you make it” mindset is more than good enough.

  • Independence: Assess your comfort with making decisions and handling unexpected situations on your own.
  • Adventurous Spirit: Embrace new experiences and be open to challenges.
  • Self-Confidence: Believe in yourself and your ability to handle various situations.
  • Adaptability: Be flexible and open to change.
  • Curiosity and Open-Mindedness: Embrace different cultures and perspectives.
  • Self-Awareness: Understand your comfort zones and preferences.

Lot of people advice you to start small, like go on a day trip near your hometown. I started big with moving from Hungary to Spain at the age of 18. It worked for me the best, because anything that happened after that, I just said: If I managed to move to Spain alone, I can do this too. 

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Benefits of Traveling Alone

Traveling alone brings a lot of benefits that enhance personal growth and enrich your travel experiences. Here are some key advantages of solo travel.

Firstly, solo travel allows for self-reflection, personal growth, and increased self-confidence. It gives you the chance to step outside your comfort zone and gain a deeper understanding of yourself.

Moreover, traveling alone provides the freedom and flexibility to design your own itinerary, choose your desired pace, and engage in experiences that resonate with you. You can spontaneously decided to sleep in the hotel, or join some strangers to an adventure.

Additionally, solo travel encourages cultural immersion by fostering meaningful connections with local communities. You’re more likely to interact with locals and experience authentic cultural exchanges, which broadens your perspective.

Furthermore, embarking on solo travel empowers you and enhances your self-confidence. Navigating unfamiliar environments independently and successfully managing various situations boost your resilience and problem-solving skills.

Lastly, solo travel fuels personal growth by pushing you outside your comfort zone, fostering adaptability, and developing your ability to embrace change. It is a transformative journey that extends beyond travel, positively impacting other areas of your life.

Is Solo Female Travel Safe?

Solo female travelers often prioritize safety as their primary concern. However, by taking appropriate precautions, solo travel can become a secure and fulfilling experience. Conducting thorough destination research, gaining insight into local customs and culture, and remaining vigilant of one’s surroundings are crucial steps. Additionally, relying on intuition, evading hazardous circumstances, and safeguarding vital documents further contribute to personal safety. It is also advisable to maintain communication with loved ones and share travel plans with them. Although it is impossible to entirely eliminate all risks, thorough preparation and necessary precautions can greatly reduce them, thus ensuring that solo female travel becomes an empowering and secure adventure.

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Where to go as a solo female traveller?

Solo female travelers have a world of incredible destinations to explore. Here are some of the best places, offering safety and enriching experiences:

  • Bali, Indonesia, is renowned for its picturesque landscapes, vibrant culture, and warm hospitality. From stunning beaches to lush rice terraces, Bali offers a perfect blend of relaxation and adventure for solo female travelers. Ubud’s serene atmosphere, cultural sites, and yoga retreats make it a popular choice.
  • Mexico is a diverse and captivating country, offering a mix of history, culture, and natural beauty. Cities like Mexico City and Oaxaca offer a rich cultural experience, while beach destinations like Tulum provide a laid-back atmosphere. Take precautions in certain areas, but overall, Mexico is an enchanting destination for solo exploration.
  • Costa Rica is a haven for adventurous solo female travelers. This Central American gem offers lush rainforests, breathtaking beaches, and exciting outdoor activities like hiking, surfing, and zip-lining. San José, Monteverde, and Manuel Antonio National Park are among the must-visit spots in Costa Rica.
  • Europe is the ultimate solo female travel destinations. Cities like Paris, Amsterdam, and Barcelona offer a blend of history, art, and vibrant nightlife. The Scandinavian countries, such as Denmark and Sweden, are known for their safety, gender equality, and stunning landscapes. 
  • Australia and New Zealand are popular choices for solo adventurers. Australia offers diverse experiences, from exploring the vibrant cities of Sydney and Melbourne to diving the Great Barrier Reef. New Zealand’s breathtaking landscapes, including the stunning fjords and the adventure capital Queenstown, make it an ideal destination for outdoor enthusiasts.

Regardless of the destination, you should always prioritize safety, follow local customs, and stay informed about any travel advisories or precautions specific to each country. With careful planning and an open mind, these destinations can provide unforgettable experiences for solo female travelers.

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Where not to go?

Here is a list of destinations that are generally considered unsafe or less suitable for solo female travelers. I would also not recommend going to a honeymoon destination alone, because even if you are 100% happy single, these destinations might take you down mentally:

Unsafe Countries:

  • Afghanistan
  • Iraq
  • Somalia
  • Syria
  • Yemen
  • Libya
  • Democratic Republic of Congo
  • South Sudan

Honeymoon Destinations (Not Ideal for Solo Travel):

  • Maldives
  • Bora Bora (French Polynesia)
  • Seychelles
  • Santorini (Greece)
  • Fiji
Thailand Travel Photo

Travelling with Workaway

Traveling with as a solo female traveler can be a cost-effective experience for students or women in their twenties. Workaway is a popular platform that connects travelers with hosts around the world who offer free accommodation in exchange for a few hours of work per week. 

Workaway allows you to engage in a variety of tasks, such as teaching, farming, or helping with eco-projects. I would highly advice you not to do this program in third world countries like Bali or countries in South America. The working hours are not worth your time because accommodation in these countries can be very cheap. Moreover, you are taking away the job of a local. By choosing destinations in expensive countries, you can explore unique cultures, enjoy higher living standards, and contribute your skills while benefiting from free accommodation.

Remember to research potential hosts thoroughly, read reviews from previous volunteers, and communicate clearly about your expectations and responsibilities. Utilize the Workaway platform to connect with hosts and fellow travelers, ensuring a safe and enjoyable experience.


I hope this guide encouraged you to travel alone. If you liked the content, make sure to subscribe to my email list and follow me on social media. 

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